How to Focus On Yourself?

How to Focus On Yourself

1. The Boredom Pill

If you want to know how to focus on yourself. Say hello to the Boredom Pill. The pill that will make you open your eyes among all people. 

This pill will not just help you only do that. Also, become aware of your current state. You will:

  • Focus on yourself instead of focusing on others
  • Understand yourself well
  • Know where you are going in life
  • And how are you going (slower or faster..)

  a. Where Can You Find This Pill That Will Help You Focus On Yourself?

This pill is not something you eat, drink, or take. You can’t touch it, it’s virtual. But you can apply it… And right now!

Boredom Pill - How to Focus On Yourself

Once you start applying it, you will be able to focus on yourself more and you will see results coming quicker.

It takes time and patience especially if your brain has already consumed tons of distractions and useless things (Alcohol, TV,  Scrolling on social media, Video games…)

  b. How Can You Apply It?

By cutting all types of distractions and tasting the boredom. Here are the main tips on how to avoid distractions :

  • Deleting social media.
  • Delete video games or hide your console.
  • Forget about spending your leisure time on your smartphone.

How to Focus On Yourself ? Get rid of distractions

These are the most important tips if you want to learn how to focus on yourself.

These distractions are like alcohol that makes you drunk and escape from your problems. Nowadays,  most people are drunk and don’t know what is happening in their lives.

This is why if you want to open your eyes to all people, you must face your problems, suffer, and think. So that your brain can trigger the alarm. Your brain will understand that something is wrong.

Don’t be afraid, nothing will happen if you throw your phone away or resist that bottle of alcohol. Just relax, this is all in your mind. Embrace the boredom, and let it embrace you.

Don’t be afraid of tasting the boredom. Be brave!

2. This Is Too Much for Focus

I know it. This is why I prepared a 21-day program on “How to Stay Productive” just for you.

3. What to Do When You Have Nothing to Do?

When you have nothing to be occupied by in your life. The worst thing to do is to stimulate your brain with some useless distractions I mentioned above.

I prefer you lying on your bed and gazing at the ceiling rather. (This is one of the tips on how to focus on yourself by the way)

How to Focus On Yourself ? Gazing at the Ceiling

Look if you don’t know what to do in life. Normally you will keep thinking 24/7.

Do you remember when you are sometimes prepared to sleep but can’t? You keep thinking over and over about life and even sometimes you become stressed.

Many ideas come to your mind like “I need to change my life”, “Tomorrow I will wake up and I will work seriously” or some innovative and project ideas that come to your mind and you want to start working on them as soon as possible.

This state occurs when you are not distracted. This state occurs when you’re focused on yourself.

If you don’t know what to do in life, I want you to spend your entire day in this state. The Boredom State. 

I uploaded a blog on 4 In-Demand Skills for Remote Jobs. This blog will teach you skills that are in demand nowadays and for the future and how to develop them.

Good luck!

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